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March 19th

…The Endless Light and Hunger of Cities in Games – Waypoint Chris Priestman discusses modes of expression less concerned with realism and more with capturing certain impressions and atmospheres associated with urbanization.

  • Pokemon Go is a mass demon summoning that’s destroying our reality | ZAM – The Largest Collection of Online Gaming Information John Brindle discovers hidden forces more powerful than any game developer may have dared imagine.
  • “Niantec created an invisible force field interpenetrating the world which drove changes in that world which might otherwise seem inexplicable. But don’t take my word for it: the…

    June 11th

    …they think should be helpful are too vague, or put in places where the player does not notice them. They cannot comprehend the player’s perspective.”

    • The Art & Visual Language of Ikenfell | Gamasutra Chevy Johnston talks his approach to the aesthetic of Ikenfell, a turn-based RPG slated for release on Steam in 2018. Johnston talks the impact The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening and Pokemon had on his design process.
    • How Will The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Change the Open-World Paradigm?|Games Industry Biz Oliver Milne looks at how Breath of…

    June 3rd

    …| Kotaku A short diary of Gita Jackson about trying desperately to build a cult, but forever dying, and how that’s a good thing.

    And now on to heavier stuff…

    • Why the Game Boy Camera remains Nintendo’s most whimsical gadget | Polygon Jeremy Parish gives a historical overview of the Game Boy camera; what made it a hit, and how it captures that quintessentially Nintendo-ness when it comes to gadgets.
    • No One Knows If People Eat Pokémon | Kotaku In case you ever wondered if people ate Pokemon, Gita Jackson unearths the answer to this…

    July 28th

    …Comparison We Had To Make | Kotaku Heather Alexandra is out here asking the hard questions about undercover reploid supervillains.

  • Video Game Characters Are Terrible At Archery | Kotaku Calypso Mellor corrects the technique of some of gaming’s most prominent protagonists.
  • What Does Your Favorite Galar Pokemon Say About You? | Fanbyte Kara Dennison performs astrology for Pokéfans.
  • “You’re currently wrapped up in a blanket in your den reading this on your phone. You haven’t moved in two hours. You were supposed to go buy groceries but your mobile games are full up on energy…

    November 17th

    …The Duck Knight Rises.

    • Sirfetch’d is the Most Horrifying Pokémon Ever Conceived Sam Greszes goes deep on the Duck Knight’s improbable power level.

    “We must remake Galarian civilization from the ground up, with the aim of appeasing and socializing these horrific beings by sitting on park benches all day, throwing stale bread at them, and hoping to stave off the destruction of all we hold dear for one more day.”


    Critical Distance is community-supported. Our readers support us from as little as one dollar a month. Would you consider joining them?

    December 1st

    Welcome back, readers.

    This week there’s an emphasis on communities, and especially indie development communities and their relationship to larger-scale studio structures. I didn’t expect to be curating critical discourse on Half-Life: Alyx months before its release, but Trevor Hultner and Emily Rose have pulled together all of these disparate items in a really insightful way this week.

    Also, I opened my door this morning to two inches of freezing rain, so I might finally get my first badge in Pokemon Sword this afternoon.

    This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important

    February 2nd

    …paralyzed by the immense weight of anxiety or sadness, that’s what playing The Quiet Sleep can sometimes feel like, especially with its mounting challenges in the later chapters.”

    Critical Chaser

    Bless Uppercut’s listicle game this week.

    • Gen 8 and Their Signs – Uppercut Kayla Jouet gets an astrological read on some of the latest pocket monsters.
    • Snuggling Those Pokemon – Uppercut Andrew Cogswell sorts Gen 8 and beyond by cuddling suitability.
    • Pokémon Appétit – Uppercut Monti Velez challenges the Flavour League.

    “Whether or not people in the Pokémon universe eat…

    March 8th

    …What affective intensities are generated in the play with cultural notions about WWI, and what emerges in the tensions between game form and historical content?”

    Contemporary Crises

    As a complement to the previous selection, this pairing of articles look at how our games, communities of practice, and media ecosystems intersect with contemporary challenges of inclusion and existence.

    • How Pokémon Is Tackling The Plastic Pollution Crisis | Into The Spine Stacey Henley breaks down examples of climate change allegory in Gen 8.
    • THAT’S PROGRESS! – DEEP HELL Skeleton describes the ways in which games journalism…

    May 3rd

    …games that ever see the light of day in the press do more to harm indies than any rising tide of games being made. Hopefully, by the end of this project, we’ll be able to show a path forward.”

    Critical Chaser

    Five pieces in the closing segment this week–alternately provocative, hilarious, awe-inspiring, and moving–because I said so.

    • The Dark Truth about Pokémon: Are we Constantly Killing our ‘mon? | Fandom Jason Coles goes deep on the mechanisms and ethics behind teleportation and matter-data conversion. Gotta catch ’em all!
    • [56] Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order…

    July 19th

    …comes away from Ooblets feeling that maybe it’s a little too cute, and too shallow.

  • What’s Cookin’?: Pokemon Cafe Mix is a Perfect Example of Weaponized Cuteness | Uppercut Ty Galiz-Rowe observes that cuteness ain’t all it’s wrapped up to be when at the end of the day’s it’s really just cuteness capitalism.
  • “Cuteness, like anything else when it comes to creating a product, is a tool, and can be used benevolently, or for darker purposes. In the case of Cafe Mix, it’s definitely a smokescreen for more dastardly practices.”

    Jump Into the Grind