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Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 12th

…into their characters and into their overall psychologies.

Lastly, Oxford Magazine — a publication oriented around the American South — has a great feature on Pac-Man world champion (and King of Kong ‘heel’) Billy Mitchell. David Ramsey’s accessible writing is a fantastic illustration of just how relevant non-games-specific publications are to talking about games. For example:

The game’s four ghosts, charged with tracking down and “killing” Ms. Pac-Man, are hopelessly overmatched. Mitchell taunts and teases his pursuers, leading them into harmless circles, grouping them together and pulling them apart with such exact command that it almost…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 26th

…patch for The Witcher 3, small as it may appear, which undercuts some of the game’s important motifs.

In a similar vein, Giant Bomb’s Austin Walker despairs the depopulated city streets of Batman: Arkham Knight, arguing that the urban throngs of these superhero narratives are central to their themes:

[S]uperheroes symbolically fill the gaps that we fear that our infrastructure, no matter how well designed and managed, cannot. They save us from burning buildings, they protect our museums, they pull us from floods, they prevent the power plant from exploding, they stop ricocheting bullets from killing innocents, they…

Minisode 05 – Text Games, Far Away Places

…is Critical Distance’s own senior curator and my boss, Kris Ligman.

Direct Download

Kris’s Picks

Shall we date? The Niflheim+ by NTT Solmare Corp.

Killing Time At Lightspeed by Gritfish

Tour de Akiba by AM Cosmos

Related reading: “Six Japanese Dating Sims to Fall In Love With“ by AM Cosmos

Eric’s Picks

Unrest by Pyrodactyl

Monument Valley by ustwo

Escape from the Man Sized Cabinet by Stephen Colbert (or his staff writer)

Opening Theme: ‘Close’ by The Alpha Conspiracy

Closing Theme: ‘Wishing Never’ by The Alpha Conspiracy

02: Danger

…experience of facing horror as a woman. One fights for power, the other for survival. Yes, the game is exploitative and violent as hell, and I’m still just killing monsters either way, but for a few hours I felt like I understood what it was like to kill monsters as someone else.

I think danger is too often universal in games. We get a set character, and fight through a world filled with generic physical dangers, or we get to design a character but they’ll face the same dangers as everyone else. The world rarely tailors itself to hurt…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

September 13th

…she doesn’t get about how we talked about games, namely the idea of a game or possibly the player respecting their time and what value our reaction to our activities place on it.

Don’t use the N-word in gaming: sound advice and the subject of Chris Spivey’s piece. He doesn’t want the word banned and sees its necessary to not hide, in other mediums, but finds it’s different in gaming.

And on a lighter note, a dialogue of 4 philosophers trying to play a mutliplayer game of Magic: The Gathering by Jesse Mason at his blog Killing a…

November Roundup: ‘Forgiveness’

…Trevor in GTAV. He writes, “While I might never forgive Trevor (or Rockstar) for killing Johnny Klebitz, I don’t want to kill him, either.”

If you’d like to share any of the lovely articles above, feel free to add the Link’o’Matic 5000 to your blog with the code below.

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And there we have it, friends: my last BoRT roundup. Thank you to all the contributors, this month and always, for making this such a rewarding experience. Special thanks to Mark Filipowich for sharing the table with me for so long.

Now Accepting Submissions for TYIVGB 2015 Edition

…you remember this piece of writing. They are pieces that get cited to this day, even years later, would fall under this category. Examples from previous years:

–The New Games Journalism by Kieron Gillen (2005) –The Lester Bangs of Video Games by Chuck Klosterman (2006) –Ludonarrative Dissonance by Clint Hocking (2007) –Taxonomy of Gamers by Mitch Krapta (2008) –Permanent Death by Ben Abraham (2009) –Video games can never be art by Roger Ebert (2010) –The Pratfall of Penny Arcade – A Timeline (aka Debacle Timeline) by Unknown (2011) –Killing is Harmless: A Critical Reading of Spec Ops: The Line…

March 20th


On Gamasutra’s blogs, Stanislav Costiuc finds a flaw in The Division’s Dark Zone, a lack of wild to its wild west philosophy, which undermines the tension it should have.

Heather Alexandra, for ZAM, takes politics of consumerism and power to task in their review for The Division. It explores how a game fundamentally about killing and looting practically couldn’t be anything else.

It’s all so forced and ugly; this is a game about social downfall and what happens when structures break down and a massive part of the experience is shooting other looters in order

New website! Part 1: search

…no matter what search term brought it up, now you see the most relevant excerpt for your search term – with most of the formatting left in, so that you can tell whether you’re reading a link title, a description, or a quotation (sadly, we have to leave out the link tags for now). These extracts are so helpful, you can get a good grounding in a topic just by reading through a page of search results, without clicking to open a single post.

Try it now with this page of results on the word “killing“.

Easily surface…

October 16

…ABZÛ is not talking to characters, smashing crates, and killing enemies, but solely through movement. The underwater world directly reacts to your actions; the under water physics and dynamic fish interaction is spectacular.”

Self Reflection

Many games offer players a chance to insert themselves in a virtual world through a player-insert avatar, but writers this week considered how the disconnect between player and avatar shapes such an experience

  • Boys We Like| Chaotic Blue Todd Harper is frustrated with the fatshaming narrative of Final Fantasy XV: Brotherhood, an anime leading up to the game that explains…