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This Year in Videogame Blogging: 2019

…It even showed up in The New York Times! At Kotaku, Cecilia D’Anastasio followed up on her celebrated 2018 reporting on sexism and toxic work culture at Riot to reflect on how things have (or haven’t) changed:

Sources described mixed feelings about the sentiment. Two women said that management and employees’ focus on corporate-led and forward-looking change is erasing the hurt several employees have felt about their own sexist treatment at the company. Said one, “Part of leadership’s messaging has been that we need to move on. If the goal is to move on, then building all of

May 26th

…haven’t seen yet. Knowing the secrets but never having felt them for myself is part of the sting of the obsession: watching young men play through the game offering largely inane commentary, reading archived blog posts on the subject, seeking other people who have been there and have met the weird eye of the duck, too.”

Capital Ideas

Games, themselves commodities under capitalism, naturally reproduce profit-driven economies of sorts within their systems with regularity. Sometimes, it is fun, and this is the point. Sometimes, it is really, really not fun–and again, this is the point. Two authors…

July 5th

…Johnson seeks a shift in how–and why–we represent trans lives and voices in games, beyond the cycle of commoditized suffering that’s become vogue in the AAA scene.

“That’s the biggest issue that I have with the Triple-A scene. So many of the stories about us in bigger games often put our suffering before us in the order of priority. The violence and the bigotry inflicted on us is usually a bigger character than we are.”

Development Cycles

Four authors this week study how current titles (or in Autumn Wright’s case, a long-running series) reflect

Esther Wright | Keywords in Play, Episode 18


Bettina: You mentioned Newswire, can you tell us a bit more about what that exactly is? So for those of us that are not familiar with Rockstar, and they’re kind of branding and marketing.

Esther: Yeah, so the Newswire itself is a specific section of the Rockstar’s official website, it’s kind of a direct company to fan site of communication so it’s where they will post kind of managed updates so that’s usually related to kind of new game releases or Rockstar specific and more game-specific news. It’s where a lot of kind of discourse around interaction…

August 19th

Welcome back. Kris is on break this weekend so I’m here to fill your TWIVGB needs in the meantime.

The Extra Credits crew finishes up a two-parter talking about mechanics as metaphor using the flash game Loneliness to weld to discussion together.

CNN has done a number of in-depth articles on several subjects with how games are intersecting with real life in interesting ways; from South Korea’s Pro Gaming/Game Addiction dichotomy to gamifying the prison system to great success.

This week the community blew up in response to Borderlands 2 lead developer calling a skill tree

March-April 2022

…Months in Videogame Vlogging”, or perhaps even “Those Months in Videogame Vlogging”. So to begin this new and probably short-lived format, let’s all take a journey back to the months of March and April.

Those Months In Videogame Vlogging highlights the most compelling critical videos about videogames from the specified calendar month/s.

Auteur Personalities in the Workplace

PMG’s exposé reminds us that all workplace hierarchy’s can be problematic, not just those of triple-A behemoths.

  • Investigating Three Indie Superstars Accused of Emotional Abuse – People Make Games (40:53)

    People Make Games follow three stories of

This Year In Video Game Blogging 2010


TheGameLocker started his series of youtube videos entitled ‘Games Worth Remembering.’ He released the first three of a four-part essay on Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. They are long, but like the game they take their time and let the atmosphere that accompanies his points sink in. Check out his other videos in his channel.

And finally the Extra Credits people had a great inaugural half-year at the Escapist. They explore Kratos’ character and his decent into parody as the God of War trilogy continued. They talked about meaningful choices where the asking can enrich your…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

October 2019



Halloween is well behind us now, but let’s review a little of the season’s bounty to finish up.

  • The Slow Burn Arthouse Horror of The Space Between – Errant Signal and Faith: An 8-Bit Horror – Errant Signal

    Chris Franklin made two videos about indie horror games for Halloween this year. The games are very different, though the videos share an interest in how each game deliberately makes visual aesthetic choices in service of scares and atmospheric unease. In both cases Franklin ends up telling a lot the game’s story, and demonstrating

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

September 30th

I want to begin with a confession: I’m tired. It’s been an emotionally draining news week pretty much regardless of what interests and channels you follow. I say this bearing in mind the privilege I enjoy in passing for straight, white, and male–even if I’m not quite any of those things–and can only defer to the folx out there who don’t have all of those advantages, and who have also had to endure this week’s barrage of headlines.

The biggest news story in games this week is, without a doubt, the shuttering of Telltale Games and firing of

Assassin’s Creed II

Critical Distance is proud to present this Critical Compilation of Ubisoft’s Assassin Creed II, curated by Gilles Roy. A history scholar with game design training at Montreal’s INIS, Gilles is also co-editor at Play the Past. You can follow him on Twitter @gillesroy.

“Assassin’s Creed II makes its predecessor look like a tech demo…”

Read this reviewer statement once, it rings out like a truism; twice, it’s a borrowed line; three times, a running gag. But four times… is this a hatching Templar conspiracy? Or were people back in 2009 just sharing notes to ease the burden