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Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

June 2015

…Players considered facets of older games this month. Cameron Kunzelman revisited middling 2011 shooter Homefront, exploring where the game went right, most notably in its unexpectedly emotional core and its careful characterization. The only thing I remember about Homefront is playing it in front of my dad and saying, “Well, it’s a videogame,” so I really enjoyed Cameron’s thoughtful take.

Going back in time quite a bit further, Matt Leslie analyzed Crash Bandicoot 2 through the lens of its surprising innovations in the early days of 3D games. He shows how Naughty Dog worked around technical and…

January 2016


In a deeper dive, Heather Alexandra delves into Fallout 4, turning a critical eye to a game you’re probably all still playing. In particular, she compares it to previous entries in the Fallout series in order to get at what it does both right and wrong.

Exploring another open world roleplaying game, History Respawned turned an eye to Red Dead Redemption, exploring both the historical West and the way it has changed in the American imagination over the years throughout fiction and film.

The scarily smart folks at PBS Idea Channel looked…

July 1st

…memory. Location is. Even in Homer, we can see how the teller imagines narrative progressing between particular locations. There are temporal markers in the poem as well, of course, but the significance of that time, the change, is visible in the particular spaces themselves at different points in the story.

So why is this important? What does it matter if space tells story? For one, I think it is important to realize that our minds may value space more importantly than they do time. For designing games, this means particular spaces and the progression of those spaces will be…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette


…that way in a game. The only way I can explain it is that the interactivity brings it closer to real life. After all, a flower isn’t corny until somebody takes a tacky photo of it. The flower itself did nothing wrong.” On second thought, however, she turns to describing it as “hope in a pill”, saying that by the end, “Flower didn’t remind me of a ‘haiku’ or a dream so much as a commercial.”

On a meta-analytic level, Leigh Alexander lets it be known via a trio of SexyVideogameLand posts that she’s less than impressed by the…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

Episode 3 – Showing, Telling, Performing Narrative

…cast this week. So sit back and enjoy as once again we interrogate game narrative, go off on an array of tangents, and eventually come back to the question of “show and tell.” Feel free to leave us feedback on the Critical-Distance comments thread and continue the discussion on IRC. That is the server, the room is #GBConfab.

The Cast: D. Murray: Erik Hanson: Justin Keverne: Arthur Tellurian: Eric Swain:

Show Notes: Corvus Elrod’s article on “Show & Tell” Ken Levine’s GDC 2008 Keynote

RSS: iTunes: Direct Download:

Episode 4 – Genre Bending Discourse

…genres in general, and the role of genre and videogame hardware. After this week’s episode the CDC Podcast will be taking a brief hiatus, but stay tuned for future episodes. As always, I urge you to leave feedback in the comments thread and don’t be shy to drop by IRC to chat. The room is #GBConfab under the server.


Michael Abbot: Travis Megill: D. Murray: Roger Travis:

Show Notes: Braingamer on Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Judith The XBOX Live community “Seasoned Gamers”

Get it via: RSS, iTunes, Direct Download.

Episode 26 – Five out of Na Pali

This month we have a double, yet related, feature.

First, in side A, I talk with Alan Williamson and Lindsey Joyce, the editor-in-chief and managing editor respectively of Five out of Ten. We chat about the creation and ongoing process of creating the magazine, what it’s like working with a hand of experience and what it’s like learning the ropes.

Then, in side B, Alan Williamson returns, this time, with his co-author Kaitlin Tremblay to talk about their book, Escape to Na Pali: Journey to the Unreal, that came out of an upgraded Five out of Ten

June 2015: ‘Pets’

…Round Table

  • Blogs of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially forBoRT or up to one month prior.
  • This BoRT post is the home of the discussion: as I receive new submission blogs, we’ll update the ‘BoRT Linkomatic’ so new blogs are reflected on this page immediately. We’ll also use the @critdistance Twitter account to post regular updates, so follow us!
  • If your work contains potentially disturbing content, please include a suitable warning at the start. Use…

Braid 10th anniversary Critical Compilation

…to include:

  • claiming the privilege of a true, objective yet hidden meaning in Braid;
  • questioning the validity of writing amateur criticism;
  • saying that an English major is all about “bullshitting” (while conversely that computer science is all about cold, objective facts);
  • claiming that philosophy should exist on a continuum of sciences;
  • trying to disallow various “incorrect” interpretations of the game, such as Holly at Feministe’s

Truthfully though, assumptions about Blow’s intentions for Braid were mixed up into people’s interpretations of it even before it was released. In the lead up to Braid‘s…

Esther Wright | Keywords in Play, Episode 18

…about like, that’s why the title is the kind of ‘Construction of Authenticity’ and it’s why that you know what I’m talking about authenticity I’m not talking about an actual defined property or value that we can actually ever really unpick, I don’t think authenticity is that. It’s not quality. It’s always, it’s a performance, it’s a claim that, that people are making and can be kind of interpreted positively or negatively. And what Rockstar were doing was trying to ensure that their fans interpreted it positively rather than kind of negatively.

In terms of comparing what I find…