This Month in Videogame Vlogging: May 2024

Welcome back, viewers:

I am a big Destiny 2 fan, and the game’s latest expansion, The Final Shape, is coming out on Tuesday. I know who I am, and I know what I’m like, so I knew I needed to get this roundup done before the expansion launched otherwise there’d be a snowball’s chance in hell of it ever seeing the light of day. Don’t worry, though: this roundup is mostly normal! I absolutely did refrain from including the 10-hour-long Destiny lore recap video MyNameIsByf put out on Friday!

This Month in Videogame Vlogging highlights the most compelling critical videos about videogames from the preceding month. As always, it is supported by our readers (and viewers) over on Patreon! Consider signing up for one of our paid tiers to get access to monthly article roundups and other fun stuff.

It’s Not Just About a Game

Sometimes you just need to use a game to look at the whole industry. It’s a good practice.

Diamonds in the Rough

The essayists in this section appreciate the beauty in the understated.

Genre, Conventions

More fuel for the inescapable fire that is discussion of game genre classification and mechanics.

Premium Views

Yes, each of these videos is long, but the content speaks for itself.

Critical Chaser

This month’s chaser is the perfect background vibe for a chill Sunday.

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