May 8th
byWelcome back readers, and happy Mother’s Day. . . .Look, if we’re being honest it’s been a pretty fucked up week for a lot of moms, or really anybody who likes having human rights but isn’t a white moneyed republican. Kaile reblogged…
Welcome back readers, and happy Mother’s Day. . . .Look, if we’re being honest it’s been a pretty fucked up week for a lot of moms, or really anybody who likes having human rights but isn’t a white moneyed republican. Kaile reblogged…
Welcome back, readers. Let’s get right into it, shall we? We’ve read a bunch of cool stuff this week and I’m looking forward to sharing it! This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games…
Welcome back, readers, and thanks for your patience as I took a little extra time to prepare this week’s issue. While I’ve got you, we just recently celebrated a book launch for Sickness, Systems, Solidarity, a free anthology bringing together 35 pieces…
Welcome back, readers. There’s another large Ukraine charity bundle running since last we published, this time running through Humble Bundle. Check it out! This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past…
Welcome back, readers. Connor’s latest video roundup is live for your viewing pleasure, and there’s something slightly fishy afoot. I feel like the last TMIVG was, like, a week ago, which I can only assume speaks to my, shall we say, interprative…
Welcome back, readers. You’ll never believe what happened to me today, reader, for this issue to be going out so late in the evening. Well. . . actually, you would believe it. It’s all entirely believable, and not entirely interesting. Long story…
Welcome back, readers. Before we delve into this week’s textual selection of critical offerings, Connor has returned with this month’s audio-visual anthology for those who appreciate their crit served with a play button, and this month’s issue is a doozy, so be…
Happy Halloween, readers. I find myself coming up short for stunning witicisms to introduce this issue with. Instead, from the bottom of my ((un)dead) heart, I hope you have the opportunity to gather with some friends, wear a ridiculous onesie if that’s…
Welcome back, readers. Before we get going, I’d just like to bring your attention to Connor’s latest video roundup! As always, the continuing support of our readers makes this work possible. This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most…
Welcome back, readers. It’s another quiet week around the site in a distinctly unquiet world. If you’ve been feeling angry and powerless watching the catastrophic conclusion of the American Empire’s twenty-year fuckup in Afghanistan, this would be a good place to lend…