Welcome back, readers. I can’t tell whether it’s more to do with the uptick in coverage on spooky games, the sudden drop in temperature in my area, or the flurry of seasonal Twitter handles in my timeline, but Fall feels like it’s…
Welcome back, readers. Despite presently being shipwrecked on Koholint Island and simultaneously stranded in Azeroth I had the pleasure of reading a bunch of cool games crit this week. Also, apropros of absolutely nothing specific happening in games news this week, have…
Welcome back, readers. Friends, I am in my element this week. People are writing about old JRPGs, queerness, accessibility, inclusivity, and bad toys from the 90s. Oh, and writers are taking the Mordhau devs to task for some wildly bad messaging that’s…
Welcome back, readers. This week sees the launch of the inaugural issue of ROMchip, an open-access, history-oriented journal of games. I, umm, think this is pretty cool? And it’s amazing to see so many of games crit’s finest writers in one place….