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Горосокоп лев на июнь. "гороскоп на неделю" "гороскоп на завтра" "гороскоп на сегодня" «Дизайн Человека» "-ДИЗАЙН-ЧЕЛОВЕКА-" — Дизайн Человека — Горосоком и астрология. Новый гороскоп для скорпионов. Подипсывайтесь - instagram - batmanapollo

January 14th

…Wawzonek compares contemporary efforts to digitize art gallery experiences for an Instagram audience to the slower, more intentional CD-ROM-based efforts of the late 90s.

  • Classical Cats | CD-ROM Journal Misty De Méo checks out a purrfect CD-ROM art gallery from 1994.
  • Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction | Death is a Whale James Tregonning muses on the ways in which games have altered our wider relationship with and expreience of art.
  • “The Rain Room simulates the experience of a natural real-world event, sanding down the rough edges of reality to make a play-space for…