Blogs of the Round Table

February Roundup


I’ve been staring at a blank flashing cursor for the past five minutes. I have no idea what to write. Luckily lots of other people knew what to write, so I can just describe their work instead. It’s Blogs of the Round…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

January Roundup


This month’s Blogs of the Round Table received the biggest response ever: a cavalcade of contributions so intimidating, I can feel my wrists hurting in mere anticipation of the impending writeup. “Don’t do it Alan”, the sentient tendons whisper, but that would…

January 2013 – ‘Challenge’


It’s 2013! A new year and a time for resolutions, and I’m not talking about ‘1080p’ here. New Year’s Resolutions can be fun and inspiring, but there’s a balance between setting a formidable challenge and an unrealistic goal. Videogame players are no…

November Roundup


It’s winter! Or at least, it is where I am. As we enter one of the coldest winters in British history (according the hyperbolic mainstream media), it’s hard to think our southern hemispheric friends will be enjoying the sunshine and not lamenting…

November – ‘Origins’


It’s November! Didn’t that happen fast? I swear those leaves were still on the trees last time I looked. Then again, I’ve written a roundup post for October’s Blogs of the Round Table, so we just have to accept that time has…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

October Roundup


If there’s something strange in your neighbo(u)rhood… who you gonna call? Don’t call anyone. Just stay indoors and read this month’s entries for Blogs of the Round Table until the weirdness subsides. We care about your safety. This month’s theme was Fear…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

September Roundup


I am delighted by the response to the BoRT revival. There were so many excellent submissions, and I hope you enjoyed writing them as much as I did reading them. If you caught our mid-September roundup, look after the horizontal line for…