Welcome back readers.

One last push for this one: at time of publication you’ve got twelve hours left if you’ve yet to pick up the Palestinian Relief Bundle over on Itch. You could always get the bundle for a friend, right?

This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven days.

New Games Plus

Our first section this week is a bit of a catch-all bringing together industry topics as well as new games/game content.

“If there was more to it, I probably wouldn’t want to be here for its own sake in quite the same way. If Endless Ocean Luminous was slightly better at being a game, I would have moved on already.”

Reflect and Refract

Archives and memoirs take centre stage in this historically-minded section.

“I’m not sure why I was surprised, considering the openness of the Internet, but I began to get a good stream of emails from people on a regular basis, contributing suggestions to add to the archive. These often included a download to add to the site, a snippet of information or a magazine scan. As a result, the site began to grow quite rapidly, and also lead to some unexpected results…”

Designed Spaces

Next up, indies and mods feature in this design-flavoured segment.

“I’ve read many stories where bullying is a topic. But often it’s talked about while it’s happening, while the bullying is being done by others, often to the protagonist. There aren’t many stories I feel like, maybe people who read this can correct me, where it’s talked about, okay, what happens with this person after the bullying? What happens now?”

Binding Ties

Here we’ve got two examinations approaching the topic of community (and its stress points) from different angles.

The Thaumaturge rejects the segregation of difference that tends to haunt video games in particular, as the medium lends itself to neatly-legible maps and the logic of finding a character from x group in y place, instead placing Wiktor inside a fluid, dynamic world in which the fears and hopes of its citizens are a direct concern of their neighbors, whether they share in-groups or not. He cannot go anywhere without tasting the life within Warsaw, and he’s only able to stand up against the occupying power of the Tsar when he connects himself – as intimately as any human can – with the others around him.”

Deep Lore

In a larger section now we move through different meanings and locations of lore, including worldbuilding, fandom, localization, and more.

“I think that the special thing about my relationship with MatPat was that I wasn’t playing a video game alone anymore. I wasn’t experiencing these franchises alone. After playing the 2021 sequel Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach, Saiben and I watched Markiplier play it. Whenever he’d find something “golden,” a reference to the theory that anything gold in color meant that it was part of the hidden lore of the franchise, Markiplier, Saiben, and I would yell, “The lore!,” referencing MatPat. These channels and franchises have become interconnected, and the communities are enthusiastic and welcoming. Playing these games has become such a communal experience, and letting one of the community go feels like losing a dear friend.”

Critical Chaser

See you next slime!

“I save the world
and see its glory
in wild scribbles
and rainbows.”


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