Welcome back readers.

No major news to report around the site this week, and since we are apparently once again Doing A Discourse, I’ll count my blessings on that front. Let’s get right to the writes!

This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven days.

Roll Intimidate

This week we are naturally, inevitably talking about Baldur’s Gate III. We are also reluctantly, necessarily talking about talking about Baldur’s Gate III, which is not to denigrate Brandon Sheffield’s excellent piece but rather the sorry circumstances that required it in the first place.

“There was an opportunity to give players context for why games release the way they do, but instead, this video was designed to incite anger directed at a few devs. That was certainly accomplished, as Xalavier is getting harassed relentlessly, but is that really the kind of anger you want? Is that the tactic you want to take in a post-gamergate world?”

Stray Gods

Other games came out too, it turns out! A particularly attention-grabbing one right now is musical RPG Stray Gods, but the reception has been pretty mixed! Here are some highlights from that conversation.

“Those coming to Stray Gods for a compelling who-dunnit are probably going to be disappointed. But if you enjoy compelling worldbuilding and characters that feel real, this game is worth your time.”

Designated Space

While I’m bringing them together under the banner of design, these next two selections courtesy of Unwinnable offer distinct and valuable observations on different modes of engagement with games, whether through genre conventions, cognitive approaches, or the use of space.

“When we play, do we want to be challenged intellectually with mindful problems? Or do we want to engage in a more heavily sensory and affective flow experience, where our muscles take over and some parts of our brain take five?”

Critical Chaser

Just bear with me as we close out with some fun stuff about games old and new.

“Since bears can’t pick up the short bow that’s lying conveniently nearby to shoot Lae’zel’s cage open, I can’t actually rescue her, so I leave her behind and confidently march, in bear fashion, to the nearby ruins. If the bandits there turn out to be just as clueless as the two tieflings I just mauled, I’ll be able to bear-slap them to death without so much as a counter-attack! I’ll kill everything in this game without ever taking a scratch?”


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Have you read, seen, heard or otherwise experienced something new that made you think about games differently? Send it in!

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