Welcome back readers.

You’ve got just a few days left to pick up the Queer Games Bundle 2022!

This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven days.

Pride Year-Round

Eurogamer has once again hosted a lovely week of material centering queer and trans writers and topics, and I’m pleased to include a few of my personal highlights as the headliners for this week’s issue.

“I am calling for a move through and beyond ‘representation’ – the presence in media of members of marginalized groups who can serve as spokes-people and role-models for those groups – to a more abstract, structural, but, perhaps, more conceptually thoroughgoing engagement with queerness.”

Home Stretch

Caroline Delbert has now done over fifty interviews with creators involved in the Queer Games Bundle. Fifty! Here are two more highlights as the bundle enters its final days.

“We reasoned about how words can hurt, like bullets, and from there the connection to bullet hell was instinctive. You may survive a gunshot, but the scar will remain.”

Reason in Refuge

Next up, two writers contemplate the role and experience of art in times of both personal and collective hardship.

“Not everything has to be life-changing or even useful. Sometimes all you need is just a charm, reappearing by the bins. But in order to do that, I need to be allowed to be sad and to grieve and to take my time, because I can’t sell my grief.”

Critic Distance

Two long-running critics take stock of their growth over the years.

“Games use action and interaction as a base unit of communication. Therefore, in this medium actions truly do speak louder. And I feel less inclined these days to fixate on whether games deserve certain titles of cultural merit and more inclined to study how systems of action are framed and employed.”

(A)histories of the Past and Future

We turn now to worlds that aren’t quite our own, not for the health packs or the robot dinosaurs, but for the way in which they warp culture and context into a corrupted reflection of our material reality.

“It’s frustrating that Horizon Forbidden West has doubled down on its racist tropes and white saviorism, because in doing so it also undercuts the credibility of anything it might be trying to say with its story. All of the choices in the game—both narrative and mechanical—present conflicting ideas of authorship and identity, resulting in worldbuilding that flattens its populations into a series of generalizations.”


A common theme exploring parasociality runs through these next two pieces on a long-running gaming community and a proto-dating sim, respectively.

“The whole reason we are here, in and out of fiction, is that we are interested in Nakayama Miho due to her celebrity. But we must constantly dance around the subject, never addressing the facts head-on except when the game takes over for us. In fact, we are actively confronted with the possibility of speaking honestly and then quite deliberately suppressing it. The A/B choices demand to be read not as opposing pairs but in superposition and synthesis, as running commentary on one another, the polite conscious and the basal unconscious, each simultaneously possible and possibly simultaneous. This is the split personality of Miho/Mizuho, mechanized.”

On the Flipside

Love it when a happy coincidence plays out across the pages (web. . . pages?) of C-D. This time we’ve got a pair of articles going long and short on two of the greatest asset flips of all time.

Fallout: New Vegas is an asset flip. But was it really an asset flip that put the dreaded super mutants in a pacifist commune?”

Critical Chaser

(Shaking head) flat as a pancake.

“DC comics artists have a long history of giving the former boy wonder a big wagon, and though maybe not as faithfully, the more recent video games Dick has appeared in have tried to do the same. But what about Gotham Knights? The trailers for this game haven’t been shy about putting Nightwing front and center, but have they done his legendary derrière justice? I scrolled through trailer footage from both Gotham Knights and Arkham City to find out.”


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Have you read, seen, heard or otherwise experienced something new that made you think about games differently? Send it in!