February 2018: History

The month of chocolates and stuffed bears is upon us! But the celebration of such things doesn’t come out of nowhere. This month at BoRT we’re interested in where things come from, how circumstances align to make something happen, how stories of the past serve the present and guide the future; let it be known that this month’s topic is ‘History.’

History can mean a lot in games. It can be passing games down from one generation to another, it can be representations of a given moment, or it can be a personal relationship to something that used-to-be. As always, BoRT is interested in how you interpret the call than in a strict criteria:

What does history mean for games going forward? How have players envisioned the past and how have games represented it. What are some of your own experiences in the past with games? We want to hear all about games of a particular moment, your own kinds of play at different points of your life, or how games imagine what the past could/should have been? Tell us all your interesting development story, your ideal historical setting, the tabletop GM you keep thinking about off and on.

Take until February 28 to unearth your findings and email your submissions or tweet them to @thecybersteam or @critdistance with the #BoRT hashtag. Happy blogging!
Suggestions for the Round Table:

  • Blogs of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially for BoRT or up to one month prior.
  • Think of the BoRT topic as a starting point. Connecting your piece to the topic can be as creative as you want. We’re interested in both writing and play, so be playful when you approach the round table!
  • This BoRT post is the home of the discussion. Regular reading of other BoRT participants isn’t required, but highly encouraged. Feel free to browse the #BoRT tag on twitter to see if there are any words submitted already that you could use as a springboard for your own posts.
  • As a knight of the round table we encourage you to leave a comment on a blog to which you respond with a link to the response piece and give the original writer a ‘right of reply’. Keep the conversation going!
  • If your work contains potentially disturbing content, please include a suitable warning at the start.
  • You can submit as many articles as you like throughout the month, and it doesn’t matter if they are commercially published, paywalled or available for free. However, we can’t include paywalled material in the round-up without access to the article text or a transcript.