An Open Invitation to Contribute

Critical Distance is a community driven blog and as such we rely on contributors for our posts. Until now we have solicited contributions by invitation only; however we would now like to open it up and invite anyone with an interest in videogame criticism to contribute to Critical Distance.

Critical Distance exists to serve the emerging field of games criticism primarily by highlighting the excellent writing being produced by videogame bloggers, writers and journalists. We hope that Critical Distance can be part of making sure that this new and important aspect of gaming discourse doesn’t get lost amongst the sound and fury of mainstream games journalism.

Our goal for the site is to have it act like a ‘memory bank’, by drawing upon our collective memories of all the past articles and blog post we have read. The hope is that collectively we can counteract the presiding trend towards frantic, short-sighted, disposable games writing. Hence, we favour a little bit of ‘distance’ in our writing and deeper, more lengthy articles over flashy previews.

So, if you are interested in writing about videogame criticism and blogging, now’s your chance. What exactly are we looking for in terms of contributions?  If you’ve been reading the site for a while, you’ll know that we quite like the odd piece that is purely about highlighting an important or exceptional article or blog post. Think of it like, ‘This article at X-blog is great, and here’s why‘ style posts. We also like longer articles that synthesise a bunch of posts together to highlight some particular aspect, trend or salient point about games and/or videogame discourse. If you have an idea for a regular, semi-regular or even completely irregular series about videogame blogging, let us know as we’d love to discuss it with you.

You can send anything from half-formed ideas to full text articles to the editors. Thanks to you, our readers, for the generous support and interest you have shown us thus far. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

– The Editors.