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Episode 10 – Winter Round-up, Winter Round-up

No, you did not read that incorrectly. This is indeed episode 10. Episode 9 is in the works still. (It’s a little more evergreen of a topic.)

Another year has come to a close and with it another year-end podcast to try and catalog it all. This time around we got the whole Critical Distance crew around the Skype fire to chat. This being that time of year a few of our panelists had to leave for family and friends, but the rest of us stuck it out. We don’t get around to talking very often, but we


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Basics Weekly roundups of games blogging Blogs of the Round Table Monthly podcasts Archiving games writing for preservation against link rot $1300 – target achieved! Weekly roundups of games blogging Blogs of the Round Table Monthly podcasts Archiving games writing for preservation against link rot Monthly podcast minisodes Critical compilations commissioned from contributors

Víctor Navarro-Remesal and Thiago Falcão | Keywords in Play, Episode 11

…and like this, crazy writers that never see the light of day. But academia is supposed to be built on the shoulders of giants and through a constant dialogue. So, if you want to have a dialogue, as Thiago said, you need to talk to the people that is surrounding you, because we have mistaken online availability with real presence and real conversation. And I’m very happy to do Skype or zoom with PhD students, with colleagues, I asked my colleagues constantly for help and for ideas and suggestions. And that’s something that still demands kind of return to geography,…