2023 Critical Distance Update

I’m here to provide a look at the financial side of Critical Distance. In 2022 we needed to run an emergency GoFundMe to fix our tax status, and that’s not a place I want us to be again. After fixing our tax…

April 11th

Hello, readers! If you’re anything like me, you’re choking down a boatload of antihistamines to survive a brutal allergy season. And so, bleary-eyed, exhausted, and sniffling… I bid you welcome to another installment of This Week in Videogame Blogging. Worldbuilding If you’ve…

January 25th

Greetings, Your Worship. I am Zachary J Alexander the First, and it is my humble pleasure to welcome you to the pages of This Week In Videogame Blogging in the Common Era Year of Twenty-Fifteen, on the Twenty-Fourth Day of January. I…

September 28th

Welcome, Guardian. This cave is an important part of our history. It is called The Cave. Essays spawn outside of The Cave and drop legendary Engrams of Critical Distance: The This Week In Video Game Blogging. I am The Traveler, Zach Alexander,…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 13

Hello, and welcome to another rock-solid episode of This Week in Video Game Blogging! I’m Zach, and not to make mountains out of molehills, but we have an Everest-sized pile of links this week. Before we get into this week’s Big Topic,…

February 9th

Friends and strangers, within this post lies a treasure waiting only for you. A piece of your soul you never knew was missing, kept and stored unknowingly within the heart of another for all their life, only to be freed suddenly, to…